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--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2012/4/16 22:08:14

--  数值模拟验证与确认(V&V)内容


[此贴子已经被作者于2012-4-17 5:10:31编辑过]

--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2012/4/16 22:19:54

--  科学计算中验证、确认和不确定度量化框架


--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2012/4/18 6:14:40

--  ASME Verification and validation Symposium
2012年美国机械学会ASME承办的国际首届会议验证与确认,将于2012年5月1日~ 2012年5月4日在Las Vegas举办

The call-for-abstracts brought an outstanding response with over 240 abstracts received.The result is a program that brings together engineers and scientists from around the world representing many different disciplines that use computational modeling and simulation. We hope this symposium provides a unique opportunity for you to discuss and exchange ideas and methods for verification of codes and solutions, simulation validation, and assessment of uncertainties in mathematical models, computational solutions, and experimental data.

final program has now been posted on the symposium website at:


[此贴子已经被作者于2012-4-18 6:15:54编辑过]

--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2012/4/18 6:20:20

--  2012V&V邀请报告人之一:Patrick J. Roache
A Defense of Computational Physics: Popper’s Non-Verifiability vs.Computational Validation

Patrick J. Roache’s primary area of

expertise is in the numerical solution of partial differential equations, particularly those of fluid dynamics, heat

transfer, and electrodynamics, with special interest in verification and validation. He is the author of the original (1972) CFD book Computational Fluid Dynamics (translated into Japanese, Russian, and Chinese), the monograph Elliptic Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition (1995), the widely referenced Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering (1995), the successor to the original CFD book Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (1995), the successor to the original V&V book Fundamentals of Verification and Validation (2009), and the booklet A Defense of Computational Physics (2012). Roache served as associate editor for Numerical Methods for the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering from 1985 to 1988, and coauthored that journal’s innovative Policy Statement on the Control

of Numerical Accuracy. He also chaired the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Subcommittee on Publication Standards for Computational Fluid Dynamics which produced the original AIAA Policy Statements on Numerical Accuracy. He co-edited an ASME symposium proceedings on Quantification of Uncertainty in CFD, wrote a chapter on that subject for Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, and co-authored a chapter on V&V in the Handbook of Numerical Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition. He has taught eleven short courses (six for AIAA) on verification and validation. Committee work and publications on verification and validation include ASCE Free Surface Flow Model Verifications, and ASME committees on V&V in Computational Solid Mechanics (V&V 10), V&V in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (V&V 20), and the newly formed V&V in Computational Nuclear System

Thermal Fluids Behavior (V&V 30). Both V&V 10 and V&V 20 have

resulted in ASME publications accepted as ANSI standards.

He has served on the advisory editorial board of six international

journals and on several review boards and committees. He has

received career awards from the University of Cincinnati and the

University of Notre Dame, and the ASME Knapp Award. With

Prof. S. Steinberg, he pioneered the use of computer artificial

intelligence (symbolic manipulation) in CFD and variational grid

generation. He has served as adjunct faculty and visiting

professor in engineering and mathematics at six universities.

Roache is a Fellow of the ASME and Associate Fellow of AIAA.

He received his PhD (1967) in aerospace engineering from the

University of Notre Dame. For full resume, visit www.hermosapub.


--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2012/4/18 6:22:05

--  2012V&V邀请报告人之二:William L. Oberkampf
Practical and Technical

Challenges in Verification and


William L. Oberkampf received his PhD

in 1970 from the University of Notre

Dame in aerospace engineering. He has 41 years of experience

in research and development in fluid dynamics, heat transfer,

flight dynamics, and solid mechanics. He served on the faculty

of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of

Texas at Austin from 1970 to 1979. From 1979 until 2007 he

worked in both staff and management positions at Sandia

National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During his

career he has been deeply involved in both computational

simulation and experimental activities. During the last 20 years

he has been focused on verification, validation, uncertainty

quantification, and risk analyses in modeling and simulation. He

retired from Sandia as Distinguished Member of the Technical

Staff and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics

and Astronautics. He has over 160 journal articles, book

chapters, conference papers, and technical reports, and has

taught 35 short courses in the field of verification and validation.

He recently co-authored, with Christopher Roy, the book

Verification and Validation in Scientific Computing published by

Cambridge University Press.

--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2012/4/24 6:12:20

--  v&v内容








[此贴子已经被作者于2012-4-24 6:28:11编辑过]

--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2015/5/31 2:30:42


   随着现代计算机硬件和软件能力的快速发展,以及物理建模和数值计算能力的不断提升,高可信数值模拟已成为科学和工程研究的重要手段。建模与模拟(Modeling & Simulation, M&S)的验证、确认和不确定度量化(Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, V&V&UQ)是实现可信的重要途径。








--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2015/5/31 2:38:48

--  V&V&UQ的概念


不确定度量化(Uncertainty quantification,UQ)是通过科学的数学方法,对软件输入参数、模型形式和求解过程中等不确定性因素影响数值模拟结果的程度进行量化,据此评估软件的可信度。

--  作者:wangli8009
--  发布时间:2015/5/31 2:50:15

--  两篇文章
1)  One Method of Constructing Manufactured Solutions to 2D Hydrodynamics Euler Equations

2)  复杂工程建模和模拟的验证与确认,计算机辅助工程,2014,23(4):61-68.

--  作者:nihaosb
--  发布时间:2020/7/30 18:19:14

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